Meaning of (तंग करना) tang karna in english

As noun : pester
twit bug badgering ruffle feathers interrupt Ex:  Patience, a moment of patience Do not interrupt me not, let me tell be on at try Ex:  Come on, let's try to snazz this up . badger Ex:  The muzzle of a fox , a weasel, a badger harass Ex:  It also means Importuning lot, harass tease worrying Ex:  , being inconsiderate, says the People take their ease, without worrying about the embarrassment or displeasure they can cause taper Ex:  Action to taper
As verb : bother Ex:  This lighting product on the paper highlights that bother me to write nag irritate sicken beleaguer harry spite Ex:  In spite of these persecutions molest
Other : to trouble Ex:  This wine is subject to trouble is to victimize to harass worry Ex:  , Have to worry about being reached soon by one of these diseases victimise
Suggested : to taunt, tease, ridicule, etc, with reference to anything embarrassing gibe at Synonyms to excite to impatience or anger annoy to bother persistently with petty annoyances trouble to annoy by persistent faultfinding, complaints, or demands to give trouble to annoy pester worry
Exampleतंग करना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of तंग करना:
1. मुफ्त दाखिला देने के लिए निजी स्कूलों ने अभिभावकों और बच्चों को इस कदर तंग करना शुरू कर दिया है कि सुनकर भी कोई हैरत में पड़ जाए jagran.com2. सिपाही की बेटी को तंग करना एक मनचले को भारी पड़ गया
(तंग करना) tang karna can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. Transliteration : ta.nga karanaa

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